From the article Saluting our Military Forces at Military.com “Many people jokingly say “BIG” things come in “SMALL” packages, an absolute true statement when referencing your service. Your paychecks may be little, your allowances and benefits are modest, and you may only spend a small amount of time with your families…but believe me, it takes a brave person with a “BIG” heart to voluntarily put his/her life on the line for the betterment of the American people…You do it daily!
Thank you for your service, I notice/appreciate it, and so do the vast majority of men and women of our grateful nation.”
While most of us are out and about shopping for Christmas presents, we forget what Christmas is really all about. Some of the most important people out there, that many of us don’t know, are forgotten. We cannot afford to forget the people that keep us safe and free……our U.S. Armed Forces. Don’t forget to thank them with your prayers, a card, ot donations. We Axcell Corp thank and salute our Troops at Christmas. Please do the same by reading this article or listening to the podcast here.