Happy New Year

Happy New Year – 2023

It’s hard to predict what 2023 will be like, but people always make New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to take charge of their lives and do something positive for themselves. Some of the recurring themes this year have been about improving your financial situation, learning new skills, and finding better opportunities for personal and professional development. Chances are you will find a lot of resolutions that are the same on the top 10 list:

  • Quit smoking
  • Get organized
  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Learn a new skill or hobby 
  • Save more money / spend less money
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Read more
  • Travel more

The best-laid plans often come to naught: as a new year tick by, many people struggle to make good on their resolutions. There is a study that shows that only 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions were successful. Of the people who set a goal, over half of them will not achieve it. Sorry, for the bad news.

The study also included nonresolvers, people who didn’t make a New Year’s resolution but had goals they wanted to achieve that year. Some studies show that only 4% of people who don’t make New Year’s resolutions will actually achieve their set goals. That number is likely much lower than those who do.

In order to comply with your New Year’s resolutions, you should try out these 10 Steps.