
Thank You to Our VietNam Veterans

The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed into law by 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump, designating every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Vietnam Veterans National Day is an important day to honor and recognize the brave men…

Thomas Custer’s Medal of Honor

Thomas Custer was a Union Army officer during the American Civil War who received two Medals of Honor for his bravery and heroic actions during battle. Custer’s two Medals of Honor were awarded for his gallantry in the Battle of…

Tuskegee Airmen

According to Wikipedia the Tuskegee airmen received praise for their excellent combat record earned while protecting American bombers from enemy fighters. The group was awarded three Distinguished Unit Citations. All black military pilots who trained in the United States trained at…


When necessary, men and women of the military might have to risk their lives and give the ultimate sacrifice.