Happy Birthday Coast Guard Auxillary

Let’s Celebrate


The Coast Guard Auxiliary celebrates its 84th birthday on June 23, 2023. The Auxiliary is a civilian, non-profit, uniformed organization of over 30,000 members who volunteer their time to support the U.S. Coast Guard. Members of the Auxiliary provide a wide range of services, including:

  • Search and rescue
  • Boating safety education
  • Environmental protection
  • Port security
  • Drug interdiction
  • Disaster relief

The Auxiliary is a vital part of the Coast Guard’s mission to protect the nation’s maritime interests. Its members are dedicated to serving their country and their communities, and they make a significant difference in the lives of others.

On this, the Auxiliary’s 84th birthday, we salute its members for their service and dedication. We are grateful for their commitment to making our nation safer and more secure.

Here are some of the things that the Coast Guard Auxiliary does:

  • Search and rescue: The Auxiliary provides search and rescue services in support of the Coast Guard. Auxiliary members use their own boats and aircraft to search for missing persons and vessels in distress.
  • Boating safety education: The Auxiliary provides boating safety education to the public. Auxiliary members teach classes on topics such as navigation, weather, and safety equipment.
  • Environmental protection: The Auxiliary helps to protect the environment by conducting patrols and reporting pollution violations. Auxiliary members also help to clean up beaches and waterways.
  • Port security: The Auxiliary helps to protect ports and waterways from terrorism and other threats. Auxiliary members conduct patrols and provide security for events.
  • Drug interdiction: The Auxiliary helps to interdict drugs being smuggled into the United States. Auxiliary members use their boats and aircraft to search for drug smugglers.
  • Disaster relief: The Auxiliary provides disaster relief assistance in the wake of hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. Auxiliary members help to distribute food and water, provide medical care, and clean up debris.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is a valuable asset to the Coast Guard and to the nation. Its members are dedicated to serving their country and their communities, and they make a significant difference in the lives of others.