Happy Birthday USO

The USO has six separate organizations including the Salvation Army, YWCA, YMCA, Catholic Community Services, National Travelers Aid Assoc, and the National Jewish Welfare Board.

Happy Birthday USO

Today is the official day of the United Service Organization’s (USO) Birthday. It was founded in 1941, the agency is a private, not-for-profit organization working in cooperation with the Department of Defense.

It actually has roots in six separate organizations including the Salvation Army, the YMCA and YWCA, Catholic Community Services, National Travelers Aid Association and the National Jewish Welfare Board.

One of the best ways to help celebrate the USO birthday is to attend a USO-programmed or supported event at a military base, at a USO location in a major airport, etc. But the USO also needs volunteers, donations, and participation.

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Robert Holcomb
Robert Holcomb
Articles: 39

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