Title IX – Equal Opportunity for Women in Sports

Title IX - Equal Opportunity for Women in Sports

Did you know that Title IX was passed in 1972. This was a law that requires schools that receive money from the federal government to give their female students the same opportunities to play sports as male students? The law has come under criticism because it largely affects girls and women, rather than men and boys. Critics argue that the enforcement of Title IX has an adverse impact on male sports, including in high schools which are often unable to offer the same opportunities for male students as female students…The law also has been criticized because it bans sexual harassment when the harasser and the person harassed are of different sexes. Critics argue that this effectively makes gender-based harassment illegal while ignoring more complicated forms of power dynamics such as sexual harassment from people of a higher social class to people from a lower social class. On April 2, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an Obama-era Title IX regulation that required colleges to investigate and resolve complaints about sexual violence by students